The Persian Leopard, once widespread throughout the Middle East and Central Asia, is critically endangered and is restricted to small pockets of its range due to habitat loss, poaching, and conflict with humans. Similarly, the Snow Leopard is facing extinction due to threats from illegal wildlife trade, habitat degradation, human-wildlife conflict, and loss of prey due to poaching.
Three critical areas in Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, and Turkmenistan can turn the tide for leopards if we ensure they are managed effectively. Technological advances allow for better support of rangers and law enforcement, while close collaboration with local communities create the foundation to rebuild co-existence.
Conservation X Labs’ team has more than a decade-long engagement in the region, working on mitigating human-wildlife conflict, building community-based conservancies, strengthening management of protected areas, and addressing illegal wildlife trade. With the support of our incredible partners, we seek to change the story for leopards in Central Asia.
Learn more about our work in the 2024 Assessment of Wildlife and Protected Areas in Turkmenistan report.
Read the report